How To Get In Touch With Electric Fencing Direct

Getting In Touch With Electric Fencing Direct
We offer friendly advice and help. We have many years experience between us and we'll never leave you high and dry!
However recently we have made a few changes to the way we operate and we wanted you to know...
Getting In Touch With Us
By Phone
We do love to chat to you on the phones but we also need time to complete quotes and update our system so from July 2024 we will be avaialbe on the phone at these times:
Monday - Friday: 10.30 - 15.00
Reception will take a message and let us know that you have called and we will call you back. If you call outwith these times reception will still take your message but we may not be able to call back right away or until the next working day.
By Email
We use email as our main form of contact so if you have a question do pop us an email and we will get back to you within a couple of hours. Our email:
By Form - Contact Us & Planning Form
If you want to contact us for any reason please use this form: Contact Us
Going forwards we will be developing an appointment system for electric fencng consulations. However, for now, we would be delighted if you could use the contact us form or the planning service form - please give us as much information as possible so that we can be as helpful as possible when we get back to you.
You may just need some on line advice and if this is the case we have heaps ... have a look out our Advice Index to see if you can find what you are looking for there.
At Electric Fencing Direct we believe in getting all the questions out of the way before you order ... so that when your kit arrives you have all the knowledge you need to install a kit by yourself that works and does the job it is meant to do.